Haiti In The News

KIM kardashian Says “Haiti Trip Was Not A Photo Opp”


In an effort to show that Kimmy K. loves the kids, the reality TV personality recently took a trip to Haiti to pass out presents to children living in refugee camps that were displaced from the violent 7.0 earthquake in January 2010.

The National Enquirer is reporting that though photos show that Kim’s trip was all good, their sources claim that locals weren’t accepting of her visit and wanted her to go home. One source said that she showed no interest in the plight of the people and it was a waste of time and money. She also came with her own entourage of photographers and instead of visiting the devastated areas, she visited the most prestigious schools in the area and had the orphans shuttled in to meet her. Other sources of the mag claim that Kim and mom/manager Kris Jenner were flaunting their expensive wardrobes as if it were a fashion show. Port-au-Prince TV producer Steve Azo told the Inquirer,:

This vis­it was not about helping Haiti’s poor people – it was about helping Kim Kardashian revamp her image. Kim’s trip was NOT about helping Haiti. She just came down here for a photo op and then flew back home to her ce­lebrity life. She did nothing for Haiti.”


Kim Kardashian took to her blog today and wrote the National Enquirer’s story off as “ridiculous” and “untrue”:

“While my experience was completely life-changing… a very emotional and surprisingly positive journey that I will never forget, some media outlets have tried to tarnish the motive behind my visit and have written completely ridiculous and untrue things. The National Enquirer wrote that I went to a fashion show in Haiti and spent a fortune pampering myself! The truth is that I was at the Haitian Artisan Fair, where the amazing men and women who make their jewelry and crafts sell them to visitors to make a living, and I bought some beautiful jewelry!! Reading this made me so disappointed in the media.

Taking such a positive thing and writing something malicious and untrue. The journalists obviously didn’t bother to do their research and instead published a ridiculous story to sell copies. I have ignored all of this until now, but because I wanted to write a few blogs about my experience, I felt I needed to address this first. I have become accustomed to dealing with rumors and lies spread about my family or my relationships, and have learned to ignore it to a certain extent. But when a magazine makes the decision to twist the truth and write lies like that, it belittles the entire experience we had in Haiti, and I won’t let them do that.

I think it’s important that I share my experiences with you all, rather than you read false reports in the media. I have some really great stories and photos from my trip and I’m so excited to share them with you all! Xo”


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