The last few weeks we’ve been posting the contestant running for Miss Haiti 2017. Here are the official 11 Miss Haiti 2017 finalists. The Haitian beauties will compete on the Miss Haiti’s stage, showcase their potential and be crown this summer.

Wheytnie Alexandre
Age : 26 | Fort-Liberté | Medical Student at the University of Pittsburgh.
I believe that Miss Haiti today offers me the chance to inspire others and help to enhance the image of my country. I want to use the crown as a tool to emphasize the importance of self-esteem and to push women to show off. Together we project a positive image of our country to the whole world.

Caroline Minerve Sanchelle Begein
Age : 22 | Port-au-Prince | Administrative Assistant
Miss Haiti is for me a gateway, connecting me to this total integration in my community for the advancement of the country. I am honored to be one of the candidates and wishes all the participants success and happiness.

Brutus Daphnée
Age: 25 | Gonaïves | Hostess
Applying to Miss Haiti is a dream come true. I encourage all young people to never give up. Fighting to achieve your dreams. Believe in education because it is the key to success.

Cassandra Chéry
Age : 21 | Port-au-Prince | Model/ Communication
Young people, keep hope and believe that you can accomplish whatever you want. Life is like a bicycle, advancing not to lose balance, pedaling to your final destination.

Joanne Shirley Delbeau
Age : 24 | Jacmel | Sociology/ Faculty of Human Sciences
I participate in Miss Haiti to be able to go beyond my dreams and to bring the other young people to believe in their capacity and put their passion to the service of the country.

Chrystel Dufour
Age : 24 | Port-au-Prince | Psychology / Communication
I would like to tell young people never to let fear stop them from living their dream. Be confident, know that you are not perfect and learn from your mistakes. You are able to accomplish great things by working hard and staying focused. You only have one life, be the best version of yourselves.

Alexandra Eloisier
Age : 24 | Port-au-Prince | Political Sciences
Patience, perseverance and self-esteem are an unbeatable combination for success.

Alise Murielle Saralee Joseph
Age : 23 | Port-au-Prince | International relationships
I will tell young people to start by doing what is necessary and what is possible so they will achieve their goals. Do what you love and do good. Believe in education! It is necessary to Dare and go!

Weendy Legerme
Age : 24 | Petit-Goave | Traditional Medicine
Be the change you want to see in the world. I want to tell young people that change must start first of all. Think about it.

Junnie Michel
Age : 23 | Port-au-Prince | Administrative Assistant
I count on the help of each Haitian, Haitian not only to encourage me to reach the highest level in this contest but also to help the Organization Miss Haiti to continue doing this beautiful work and make Haiti shine in the competitions of Beauty.

Marie Gerline Moreau
Age : 22 ans | Cayes | Accounting Sciences
Dreams give rise to hope, hope inspires effort, and effort ends in success … so dream is the root of success. Let your dreams become true. Always have a goal in mind. Having a goal, gives us an orientation to our actions. We must always ensure that our daily actions and activities contribute to the goal.
Photographer: Jameson Thermitus
Local: Graphcity Haiti
MUA: Francisco Makeup Artist and Cristelle Sanon
You can support Miss Haiti by calling at (509) 3633-5886 / (509) 4446-8627
Congrats and good luck to all of them. Having said that, Junie Michel caught my attention at first glance.