Haiti Haitian American Help For Haiti

Help “One Egg Haiti” Combat Malnutrition & Create Jobs In Haiti


one egg 2This year a public service announcement (PSA) was created to highlight an organization called One Egg. One Egg provides an egg a day to children as a source of animal protein.

Chapters exist in Rwanda, Uganda and most recently Haiti.

A group of talented people came together to support the One Egg Haiti chapter by being involved in the PSA conceptualized by Maureen Aladin of TWELVE18 Media. In an effort to continue to provide eggs to children and combat malnutrition, as well as create jobs for the local community by building a poultry farm, One Egg Haiti is using the crowdfunding site RocketHub to raise $150,000.

Now in Haiti, One Egg is working in partnership with Chancel, a U.S. based social enterprise, and the Rhode Island Conference United Church of Christ’s (RIC-UCC) Haiti Task Force to provide one egg a day to children in 7 child centers that serve impoverished children in Haiti. Now, with financial support from Chancel and the RIC-UCC Haiti Task Force, One Egg Haiti purchases eggs from Haiti Broilers, a local company that operates a state of the art model poultry farm outside Port-au-Prince. As of today, approximately 500 children are receiving one egg a day.

The Ultimate Goal:one egg

Feeding the children is necessary and One Egg Haiti plans to add more children to the nutrition program. However, feeding the children is not the ultimate goal. The program will only make a permanent change for Haiti if the Haitian people can find a way to help themselves.   Communities where the One Egg program exists will be encouraged to start their own for-profit poultry farms. With technical support from Haiti Broilers, seed money from the One Egg Haiti partners and hard work on the part of community members, poultry farms will be built. Eggs can then be purchased from local poultry farms. The market for eggs in Haiti is enormous. The farms will not only provide the eggs for their own children, but they will produce eggs to be sold for profit in the marketplace.

And one more benefit. The farms will provide jobs for Haitians in this economic environment where jobs are scarce and unemployment is high. This describes the One Egg Haiti model, which was successfully implemented in Rwanda. A win, win for everyone

To help fund this project go here | To learn more about One Egg go here

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