Haiti Haiti News Haitian History

What is Kita Nago “A New Symbol For Unity In Haiti” ?

If your like me and  wondering what is all this talk about Kita Nago?  Well According to Haitianinternet:

WHAT IS KITA NAGO? Every Haitian around the world is asking…

There is a big half-ton piece of wood in Haiti called KITA NAGO that is being carried 700 kilometers across Haiti by hand, on foot, by Haitian men and women, from Les Irois (the western most tip of Haiti’s southern peninsula) all the way to Ouanaminthe (the North-eastern most tip of Haiti) to encourage UNITY… I am talking about a ONE thousand pound piece of wood with a Haitian Flag, that is what Kita Nato is.. but it is more than just a piece of wood… it is a… symbol… a new idea for Haitian Unity… Haitians from all walks of life who don’t know each other, getting together to carry a heavy load across the land.

Wow… This is amazing…

Kita Nago has been making it’s way from across Haiti since January 1st 2013, and for the past 14 days, on foot, Haitian men and woman has carried this load from the southern peninsula, through Jeremie, on foot to Les Cayes, Aquin, Miragoane, Grand-Goave, Petit-Goave, Leogane, into Port-au-Prince. I read on Twitter that Kita Nago will rest along side Neg Mawon in Port-au-Prince for 24 hours before continuing it’s journey to Ouanaminthe. I’ve been so busy telling you about the idea, I didn’t even tell you who’s behind it. His name is Harry Nicolas. You can read more about it at kitanago.ht The day Kita Nato reaches it’s destination in Ouanaminthe each Haitian is to plant a tree. Once in the blue moon, an individual emerges with an idea that bigger than life. This is one of them. and I really hope it fulfills it intended purpose.

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