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News: President Martelly Demands All Government Employees To Also Get Head Shaved

I get what he is trying to accomplish but am I the only one who think there are more important ways to try to unite people than ordering them to do something.

 In a letter this week, President Michel Martelly informed employees in all levels of the government that they are to shave their heads by the end of the month.Under the executive order, each government worker will be required to maintain a shorn head in support of the “tèt kale” movement. Additionally, Martelly explained that the new requirement is an important step in sending a strong signal to everyone that his administration is unified.

“This is a critical time in the history of our nation,” the letter read. “Shearing the hair from your head will not only demonstrate your support of the ‘tèt kale’ movement, it will also bring an unprecedented sense of unity to the government to face our challenges ahead.”

Following the recent division between Martelly and ex-Prime Minister Garry Conille, the letter said that it is “high time” all government employees join together to move the country forward.

“For far too long our inability to unite has prevented us from accomplishing a lot,” the letter said. “Now is the time to set a new era of unity. What better way to strengthen the bonds between all of us by sharing a common attribute – a shaved head.” Continue Reading Here

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